When one Door Closes – #ThursdayDoors

A virtual door closed yesterday evening. It was my last parent’s association meeting because Lucy is finishing primary school next Friday and will begin a new era in secondary school in late August.

I’ve been on the parent’s committee since Lucy started school, and it’s where I found my very good friends here in the West of Ireland.

I didn’t know many people when I came to live in Mayo eight years ago, and I felt that joining the committee would be a good way of meeting people. I was right! We’ve had many years of fun, planning, and fundraising.

Three of us on the committee said our goodbyes last night and we were presented with flowers, wine, and chocolates. There were tears and there was laughter.

Meeting my friends at pick-up time was part of my social life and I will miss it terribly, but I firmly believe that when one door closes, another one opens!

We decided that we would start up a book club so that we would continue to have a good reason to meet up, so I’m very much looking forward to that!

Thursday Doors is a weekly challenge for people who love doors and architecture to come together to admire and share their favourite door photos, drawings, or other images or stories from around the world. If you’d like to join in and create your own Thursday Doors post each (or any) week, visit nofacilities.com for more information.

Hopefully, Dan will accept my virtual door this week!

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9 thoughts on “When one Door Closes – #ThursdayDoors

  1. Pingback: Y3 Story Chat #16: “Cruising at Half Speed” by Suzanne Vickery – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

  2. Pingback: Y3 Story Chat Summary #16: “Cruising at Half Speed” by Suzanne Vickery – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write

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