Judge a Book by its Cover – Part Six #TuesdayBookBlog

How often do you judge a book by its cover? Is it the first thing you’re drawn to, or is the title?

Here’s why I started Judge a Book by its Cover!

Here are the three indie book covers that grabbed my attention this week. They’re all by the same author. I couldn’t decide which one to choose because I like them all equally.

These beautiful little books are written by Christi Rimes. It’s obvious by the covers that these are for children. The covers are beautifully illustrated and inviting.

The titles hint at mindfulness and relaxation.

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

The blurb is the same for all three of these little gems.

In “Snake Breath; A Calming Journey for Little Ones,” children embark on a delightful adventure that not only sparks their imagination but also equips them with a valuable life skill – the art of calming breath.
Life can sometimes be a whirlwind of emotions for our little ones. Frustration, anxiety, and anger can be overwhelming, leaving them searching for a way to regain their composure. “Snake Breath” comes to the rescue, offering a captivating story designed to teach children the power of slowing down and breathing like a snake.
As your child immerses themselves in Snake Breath they’ll learn to:

  • Discover the calming superpower of snake breath
  • Cultivate self-awareness and mindfulness
  • Harness the ability to manage their emotions and find inner peace

“Snake Breath” is not just a story; it’s a tool for building emotional resilience and promoting well-being in your child’s life. The beautifully illustrated pages and engaging narrative will captivate young readers, making learning the invaluable skill of snake breath an enjoyable and empowering experience.
Perfect for parents, educators, and caregivers seeking to equip children with essential emotional regulation techniques, “Snake Breath” is a heartwarming and educational book that will help your little ones soar through life’s challenges with the grace and serenity of a snake.
Give your child the gift of emotional intelligence, and let “Snake Breath” be the first step on their journey towards a lifetime of mindfulness and emotional balance.

Here’s what one reader has to say.

Angie Faux

5.0 out of 5 stars 

Best book for young ones!

This is the best book to read to
our little ones! What a great book to encourage children to express their feelings in a healthy way!

These are books I’d recommend to parents and guardians of young children. Not just when they show signs of stress and anxiety, but before they do. Relaxation exercises are an important part of learning how to deal with day-to-day situations; big and small.

Check them out on Amazon!

I’ll see you back here soon with more interesting book covers!

Thanks for reading today. Before you go…

Would you like a peek inside the pages of my fictional novel? It might just be your cup of tea!

Set in a gossipy small town in Ireland at a time when marriage is for keeps and sexuality is repressed, Secrets in the Babby House is a family saga over three decades that starts in 1956. It is a story of love, deception, and stolen diaries filled with sins and secrets.

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