
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

I go through phases of being very strict with myself regarding daily practices. Then there are times when I wane. For example, taking my multivitamins, daily walks, writing, and eating only healthy foods.

The one thing I never forget to practice daily is gratitude. I know I’m very fortunate. I have a lot to be grateful for in my life, and I won’t let myself forget it.

I’ve been practicing gratitude and positivity for years and I firmly believe that this mindset attracts the good things in life.

We all have days when it’s hard to think positive, and that’s totally fine. I don’t think it’s healthy to suppress feelings of disappointment, sadness and worry, but when we cling to these feelings and stay in a negative mindset, it can be difficult to pull ourselves out of it.

We all know people who are just never happy. Relatively healthy people, with no obvious worries (we all have some worries), but these people complain, give out, and whinge about everybody and everything. They are so used to their negative mindset that they’re stuck in it. They’ve forgotten how to be grateful for what they have and constantly focus on what they don’t have. They often begrudge the happiness of others and seem to take pleasure in putting them down.

I find it hard to spend time around negative people. I don’t mean people who are having a bad day, or need a shoulder to cry on; that’s normal. But the doom and gloom every day? No, thank you!

A positive mindset was crucial during the many stages of writing Secrets in the Babby House.

Would you like a peek inside the pages? You never know, it might just be your cup of tea!

Set in a gossipy small town in Ireland at a time when marriage is for keeps and sexuality is repressed, Secrets in the Babby House is a family saga over three decades that starts in 1956. It is a story of love, deception, and stolen diaries filled with sins and secrets.

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