The Circus is in Town – #ThursdayDoors

In the 1970s, going to the circus was a huge deal. Duffy’s circus came to town maybe once a year, but that didn’t mean we got to go every time. There were five of us in the family and unless we had our own money – forget it!

So, the few times I did get to the circus I really enjoyed it. My favourite was always the acrobats, which was – if I remember correctly – a couple of girls, maybe a guy too, on a swing and a rope, and performing all sorts of gymnastics on the floor. Sure, I thought it was amazing.

I did like the clowns. Some kids cried at them and I could never understand why. They made me laugh, even at a very young age.

Back then they had an elephant or two, a pony, a couple of monkeys, and always a little dog. There may have been other animals; I don’t remember. They stopped using animals in their show in 2018. I’m glad about that!

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The Old Black Bicycle #100DaysOfOldDays

Day 8 #100DaysOfOldDays

Ah…the old black bicycle. The one in this photo is hanging on the ceiling of our local pub. An Sean Sibin in Ballina.

I remember my uncle having a bicycle exactly like this one; all through the 70’s. He would have cycled for miles on it. It didn’t have gears, so when he came to a steep hill, he had to hop off and walk up it. It had big springs under the saddle and a big round headlamp positioned at the centre of the handlebars. I’m pretty sure he had a bell on it too.

The black bicycle in Lucy’s drawing belongs to Flossie Lynch, the main character in my novel.

My Shoes #100DaysOfOldDays

Day 3 #100DaysOfOldDays

It doesn’t always take a photo to remind me of the past. Certain images pop into my head at the slightest prompt. I’m sure everyone is the same.

I remember a lot of shoes I had. As clear as if I wore them yesterday.

The oldest shoe memory I have is of my little white leather T-bar shoes. And the whitener my mam used to put on them. I would have been just a toddler, but I remember them so well. They’ve never gone out of fashion. It’s not that long ago since I bought a pair for Little Miss Ten, and recently I saw a little girl wearing a pink pair. So cute!

Toddler T-bar Shoes by Lucy McBreen

My first communion shoes were also T-bar; black patent. That was in 1974. I wasn’t too happy with them because all the other girls wore white shoes.

The day my mam bought me my first pair of clunky clogs was the same day I got my first gypsy skirt. My clogs were brown and my skirt was red with flowers dotted all over it. Well, I thought I was the bees knees clunking around in my lovely new clogs. Definitely my favourite shoe memory!

I desperately wanted a pair of Scholls after that but Mam said I’d likely break my neck in them, so I gave up asking.

In the early 80’s I had a pair of moccasins. They were light brown. I don’t remember loving them…I only had them because they were in fashion.

Then I wore loafers. They were square and heavy; like what the boys wore. They weren’t noisy enough for the extrovert 14-year-old me, because I had metals tips/taps fitted to the soles of them. My parents had no problem with this because the tips saved the soles. Less frequent trips to the cobbler.

As I got older I got more daring. Stilettos! I had red ones, blue ones, white ones, black ones, pink ones. I even remember dying white shoes because I couldn’t always afford a new pair.

My favourite shoes from the 90’s are my red platforms. I bought them to wear to my friend Roisin’s wedding. Not with the black tights I have to add. I took this photo recently when I came across the shoes during a clear out!

What your favourite shoe memory? Let me know in the comments. Thank you for reading and for following our #100DaysOfOldDays.