A Hearty Irish Breakfast

Life be hard, and no one needs me to tell them that. Working, dealing with family, trying to have a social life, whether it’s on social media or in the physical form, I could go on and on. It can all get quite frustrating and tiring. Keeping the mind in order is very important.

There are many ways of keeping our mental health in check and one thing many people overlook is their diet. I’ve always been a strong believer in the benefits of sticking to a mainly healthy diet.

Oh, believe me when I say, I love treating myself to the odd bit of junk; pizza, chocolate, crispy bacon, and a glass or two of red wine. But when I’m eating more bad than good, I get achy, fatigued, and I find it harder to concentrate.

It’s all about the balance!

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Be My Guest – #2023PicOfTheWeek

Today’s post is for Maria Antonia’s Weekly Photo Challenge #2023picoftheweek

Here’s how it goes 》Post a photo relating to the word(s) in one of the boxes below. Then link it to Maria’s blog.

Check her out here 》 Maria Antonia if you’d like to join in for the fun!

I’ve chosen Be My Guest for today’s #PicOfTheWeek2023

Be My Guest

I had a lovely cheese and wine evening with some friends last Friday. Cheer and chat and a good ole wind-down!

On This Day

Written for Charli’s 99-word story. January 30, 2023, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about the dishes. It can be the every-single-day activity, a precious collection, or any other interpretation of dishes as objects or activities. Who is stuck with the dishes and why?

Lily pulled on her warmest woolly jumper and stepped into her oversized wellingtons. She always liked her wellies a size bigger, so that she could wear two pairs of her dad’s socks to keep her toes nice and warm.

She trudged through the marshy field to where the thickest rushes grew. With her small scissors she snipped sixteen long rushes. She sat on a tuft of grass and weaved them together to make a St Bridget’s cross.

Her belly rumbled. Her mam always made one of Lily’s favourite dishes on St Brigid’s Day; colcannon. Lily made her way home.

Colcannon – mashed potato, cabbage, salt and butter.

Thank you for reading!

If you enjoy my writing, you might be interested in checking out my debut novel; Secrets in the Babby House.

It’s a story of love, deception, and stolen diaries filled with sins and secrets. Set in a gossipy small town in Ireland at a time when marriage is for keeps and sexuality is repressed, Secrets in the Babby House is a family saga over three decades that starts in 1956.