Parent Pie

Today’s post is in response to a new feature from Sharing Inspiring Promoting Bloggers. Write a story, a poem, a limerick inspired by the below picture and join us here at Interesting Bloggers Picture Prompt 1.

In this picture I see a relaxed mother holding her new baby. Dad is sitting a short distance away. Maybe he’s a little nervous; a new baby is a huge responsibility!

I have a recipe for the new parents. I’ve used this basic recipe a few times down through the years, but tailored it to suit different needs and personalities. Oh…mistakes were made when often I used too much of one thing, or not enough of another.

I’d be interested to know how you would tailor this recipe to suit your own family’s needs.


For the base you will need:

500g of child-raising flowers

One hive of honey

Equal parts of long-life blood, sweat and tears

Warm arms

Adoring eyes

Soft voices

Two big hearts

For the filling you will need:

One bucketload of empathy

Ten bucketloads of encouragement

Ten gallons of positivity

A gazillion gallons of affection

Endless supply of patience

For the topping you will need:

Four good ears

Two pairs of watchful eyes   

Stern voices

Big cuddles

On the side: to be used sparingly






Mix together the child-raising flowers, hive of honey, long-life blood, sweat & tears, warm arms, soft voices, and the big hearts.

Keep very warm and raise for 4 to 5 years. Reduce temperature slightly and then fill with empathy, encouragement, positivity, affection, and some patience.

Raise for several more years. When pie begins to sprout hormones (Oh…you will notice), keep cool and spread with a thick layer of topping; good ears, watchful eyes, stern voices and big cuddles. Add lots more patience.

You will need to dip into your side dish from time to time—worry, annoyance, frustration, irritation—but use sparingly because it has to last for a loooooong time.

Continue raising and when you feel your work is done, place a huge blob of pride on top, then sit back and enjoy. Or…begin again!

Would you like to take part in SIPB’s first picture prompt? Please do. It’s good exercise for the brain. Visit here for more details!

Here’s Blogger’s Picture Prompt #2

Here’s Blogger’s Picture Prompt #3

Here’s Blogger’s Picture Prompt #4

Special Occasion

Is it becoming obvious that I only have time for short blog posts lately? That may be true, but I also enjoy writing flash fiction and using prompts. It’s a nice break from the intensity of editing 105,000 words.

Charli’s 99 word flash fiction prompt this week is Sweet Potatoes. I’m combining this with a photo prompt that a friend sent me recently. Just something she came across while out for a stroll in the woods. Who knows what story lies behind discarded objects we see on a daily basis? We can only imagine!

Special Occasion

I waited to take his order.

‘What do you recommend?’ he asked.

‘The Sweet Potato Frittata,’ I replied.

And so began the rest of our lives together.

For every special occasion we shared over the years, we’d celebrate with sweet potato. It was our little joke.

Today we met for lunch at our favourite spot in the woods. He brought the coffees and I brought loaded sweet potatoes. ‘What are we celebrating?’ he asked.

‘Look in the bag.’

He lifted the paper bag off the table and took out a white stick.

After all these years—two pink lines!

coffee cup and pregnancy test


Charli’s 99 word flash fiction prompt this week is to include stilettos, who will wear them and why. I contemplated telling the story about the night I nearly broke my neck in a pair, but it’s too embarrassing. Some other time maybe! Here’s a wee love story instead.


My sister Ann insisted a night out would stop me lamenting over my recent break-up with my boyfriend Joe.

‘Wear your red suede stilettos.’

‘Are they not a bit fancy?’

‘Not for where we’re going,’ she smiled.

I followed Ann to our table in the restaurant—that was already occupied by someone else.

‘What are you doing here?’ I blurted.

‘Meeting my sister,’ he replied.

‘Eh…no you’re not,’ said Ann. She scarpered. I sat opposite him.

‘You’re wearing my favourite shirt.’

‘And you’re wearing those shoes.’ He grinned and I blushed.

‘I’m sorry Joe.’

‘So am I.’

You Can Make Me Whole Again – Part one!

I’m so jealous right now. Mohotma Coataly is away out in Australia somewhere – without Saphirra and me. Like, what is she thinking…..? She’ll be so bored without us!

Okay….we understand. You see, Mohotma lost her husband in January and to say she is heartbroken, is an understatement. She’s a strong woman and very accepting of what life throws at her, but it still can’t be easy losing your lifelong partner and friend.

It was a sad time for all of us as he was one of our closest friends; he is missed so much. We have many fond and funny memories of Mr Coatalay and we love that we can talk about the good times without feeling like we’re upsetting our special friend Mohotma.


Sure Saphirra and I thought we could make her feel whole again, but apparently three weeks in Australia is what she needs. She couldn’t have gone any further away from us. We’re very hurt. Sigh…… to be honest I couldn’t afford to go anyway. Saphirra could, because she just landed herself a posh new office job somewhere near Doom. Going on nights out now with her new work mates; next thing she’ll be wearing high heels and lipstick every day! It’s not that I’m jealous or anything; God no!

Mohotma’s first stop was Bali. She boasted about eating pig’s ears and said there is two million of them on the Island. I think she means people though – not pig’s ears. Balcony views, sunny beach and sunset photos followed. Drinking beer and eating Balanese tiger prawns. I think she’s going to eat and drink her way through the next three weeks. (Yep, she’ll be whole again.)

However, she’s moving around plenty. She dressed all Hindu style and joined in with their traditional dance. Shook off some of that buttered chicken she devoured with the pig’s ears on her first night.

Turtle Island sounds fab but she looked a bit ‘Fifty Shades’ with that snake wrapped around her! Not for me…no thanks! (The snake that is…I’d be fine with Fifty Shades)

The Cat Poo coffee? Apparently it’s the most expensive coffee in the world. But no no no…. I would not drink coffee that came from a cat’s bum. I’ll stick to my Bewleys thank you very much.

I have to say though, she definitely looks amazing in her photos. Especially the one of her being Rose on the Titanic – even if it is just a wee rowing boat she’s in – bless her! She’s definitely glowing! I can’t share the photos just in case an internet stalker hunts her down and kidnaps her. I’d never forgive myself.


Now I did say she was brave earlier….. well, she’s braver than I thought. She went to the beach wearing an itsy bitsy teeny weeny black no-polka-dot bikini. Woo hoo…… go Mohotma. We didn’t get a photo but I bet she pulled it off fabulously. There’ll be no stopping her now.

She was boarding a plane to Darwin the last time we heard from her. She gave me her flight number so that I could track her on Flightradar. Yes, she’s landed. But she must be sleeping. No doubt we’ll soon get a photo of her breakfast!

To be continued………..HERE